
An Express proxy for the Songkick API to bypass lack of CORS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A quickly thrown together Express proxy for the Songkick API to bypass lack of CORS - which isn't supported as it exposes the API key.


Set an environment variable of SK_API_KEY with your Songkick API Key.

You can run the repo locally using npm run dev / yarn dev.

To use it remotely, simply push it up to Heroku - or your preferred equivalent.

API Requests

The proxy mirrors the original Songkick API paths, although omitting the version.

So, you can just fire a fetch request off to http://your-heroku-instance/api/path/.

eg. http://your-heroku-instance/search/artists.json?query=Beyoncé returns http://api.songkick.com/api/3.0/search/artists.json?query=Beyoncé