
Basic re-frame recipe for creating modal/dialog/overlay panels. This implementation is pure re-frame and css, free from jQuery and DOM manipulation and can be used as a drop-in replacement for Bootstrap modals.

Primary LanguageClojure


Basic re-frame recipe for creating modal/dialog/overlay panels. This implementation is pure re-frame and css, free from jQuery and DOM manipulation and can be used as a drop-in replacement for Bootstrap modals (minus all that jQuery cruft).


Screeno closeup


Add the css file (adjusting paths to suit) to the head of your file

 ;; other head stuff ...
 (include-css "/re-frame-modal.css")]

NOTE: You can inline these styles if you don't wish to have the fade-in animations.

Add the dispatch handler to your handlers:

 (fn [db [_ data]]
   (assoc-in db [:modal] data)))

Add the subscriber to your subscribers:

 (fn [db _] (reaction (:modal @db))))

Add the modal component to your page. Personally, I choose to do this just once in core.cljs straight after app mount (resulting in a global modal container), but you can do it at the component level instead if you wish.

(ns core
  [modal :as modal]))

(defn render-view [view]
  [modal/modal] view]

Use it!

(defn my-awesome-modal-fn []
  {:title "Click to show modal!"
   :on-click #(dispatch [:modal {:show? true
                                 :child [modal/hello]
                                 :size :small}])} "Show me the modal!"]

If you want to use bootstrap style modals, then include bootstrap css file (no need for the js file).

(defn my-awesome-bootstrap-modal-fn []
  {:class "btn btn-xs btn-primary" 
   :title "Click to show modal!"
   :on-click #(dispatch [:modal {:show? true
                                 :child [modal/hello-bootstrap]
                                 :size :small}])} "Bootstrap my modal!"]


re-frame-modal takes the following parameters (set with dispatch event):

  • show? (boolean): Required. Shows modal
  • child (hiccup | func): Required. Hiccup or a function returning hiccup containing the modal panel to display.
  • size (keyword): Optional. The size of the modal. Options are
    • :extra-small (15% width)
    • :small (30% width)
    • :large (70% width)
    • :extra-large (85% width).
    • If no size parameter given, defaults to 50% width.