
Create a Spotify playlist with your top 100 songs

Primary LanguagePython


I was hoping Spotify's "Best of the Decade For You" playlist would list my most played tracks this decade (or however long I've been using Spotify), but unfortunately that wasn't the case since the playlist listed songs I definitely did not recognize.

As an alternative, I looked into ways to create it myself using the Spotify Web API, and found some useful documentation. I didn't get exactly what I was looking for because the "Top Tracks" functionality doesn't go back through your entire Spotify history, but it does cover several years of usage, still makes for a pretty good playlist.

If you'd like to run this script yourself, you need a Spotify OAuth token. Here's a way to obtain one through the Spotify Web API docs:

  1. Go to this page.
  2. Click "Try it" under the Examples section.

  1. Log into your Spotify account, if prompted.

Once you've entered your Spotify credentials, you should see your OAuth token under the "OAuth Token" field:

Replace your-token-here in the buildplaylist.py script with the token you just obtained, and run the buildplaylist.py script. Restart your Spotify app and you should see a new playlist containing your 100 most popular songs on Spotify!