Ecotone Calculator Application

#About: [Ecotone Partners] ( help their clients measure, manage, and communicate their social, environmental, and business (economical) impacts. They work with “hybrid” companies like non-profits, philanthropic corporations, and B-corps.

#Project: Ecotone would like a calculator to discover cost savings and environmental impact of upcycling (Reuse vs. Recycling). The application will be free and will allow unregistered users to use the calculator. If a user instead chooses to create an account, they will have the ability to create projects and save calculations to projects.

#Details: The EPA offers a calculator, WARM, that calculates the carbon offset for various waste management practices. The calculator is not user-friendly and doesn't contain common items. Ecotone has a proxy list, a way to map common items to uncommon categories. The proxy list is integrated into this application.

#Features and technology The application uses PostgreSQL, Express, AngularJS, and node.js. Features include: user accounts, account modification, password reset, project creation, project csv upload, administrator features, and new material suggestions.