Developer Notes

Watch the REST API from Powershell

while (1) { http get localhost:8080/api/alarms; sleep 5; cls;}


http post localhost:8080/api/alarms name="" target="" webhook="REPLACE_ME"

Build and run on Windows with Powershell

Temporarily override $JAVA_HOME to use Java 17. Run the .jar

$env:JAVA_HOME = 'C:\Program Files\OpenJDK\jdk-17';
./gradlew build;
& ("$env:JAVA_HOME" + "bin\java") -jar "$((Get-Item .).FullName)\build\libs\solo-mvp-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar";

Build the Docker image with Spring Boot :bootBuildImage

Uses Buildpack in Docker, making a layered image for efficient builds and runs.

./gradlew bootBuildImage - Basic command.

$env:JAVA_HOME = 'C:\Program Files\OpenJDK\jdk-17';./gradlew bootBuildImage --imageName=benhunter/solo-mvp-server - Set an environment variable in Powershell, then build for a specific image name.

docker push benhunter/solo-mvp-server - Push after building the image locally. If you aren't logged into Docker Hub, do docker login first.

Docker Compose to run the full stack application

Uses docker-compose.yml.

$env:ENV_DATABASE_PASS="" - Set environment variables.

docker-compose pull - Get the latest images.

Start the services manually so the database has time to come up. The server does not have a delay before it connects to the database.

docker-compose up database - Make sure the database is ready to accept connections

docker-compose up - Bring everything up