A small project for FH. All files you need can be found here. Please only upload testet and working code :)

Primary LanguagePHP

SAM Bank

Travis Codacy

An educational Phalcon application divided into 2 parts:

  • client (web app)
  • server (REST API)


docker >= 1.10.0

docker-compose >= 1.6.0

On Windows, the project must be under C:\Users, eg C:\Users\abc\PhpstormProjects\SAM

Getting started

git clone https://github.com/beni92/SAM
cd SAM
docker-compose up -d


docker-compose stop


docker-compose rm


# code
git pull

# containers
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d


docker ps

docker-compose ps


docker logs <container id>

docker-compose logs <service name>


# exited containers
docker rm -v $(docker ps -f "status=exited" -q -a)

# unused images
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)

# unused volumes
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -f "dangling=true" -q)


With Toolbox

# mysql
<docker machine ip>:13306

# client
http://<docker machine ip>:1080

# server
http://<docker machine ip>:2080

The machine IP can be seen when launching Docker Quickstart or using:

docker-machine env

With native Docker

# mysql

# client

# server

From within containers

# mysql

# client

# server



docker exec -it sam_server_1 /bin/bash

# for client use "sam_client_1"

Phalcon CLI

docker exec -it sam_server_1 phalcon


docker exec -it sam_server_1 composer

Web tools

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/server:/app amqamq/webtools [ruby|sass|node|npm|grunt|gulp|bower]

A quick Debian for experiments, connected to the same network

docker run -it --rm \
--network=$(docker network ls -f "name=sam_default" -q) \
-v $(pwd)/server:/app \
debian:jessie \

Setting up PhpStorm

  1. Clone Phalcon Devtools in your home directory:

    cd ~
    git clone https://github.com/phalcon/phalcon-devtools
  2. In PhpStorm - File - Settings - Languages & Frameworks - PHP:

    PHP language level: 7

    Include path: <home dir>\phalcon-devtools\ide\stubs
    eg C:\Users\abc\phalcon-devtools\ide\stubs

Using Xdebug

  1. Save the bookmarks for start debugger and stop debugger from jetbrains.com/phpstorm/marklets/

  2. In PhpStorm in the top right corner, press Start listening for PHP debug connections

  3. Set some breakpoint

  4. Open the page with the breakpoint, click on the start debugging bookmark and reload the page

  5. PhpStorm window should become active and will ask you to accept an incoming connection, press Accept. Now you should see the variables in Debugger

No extra configuration is required. Xdebug expects any remote_host, any idekey and remote_port=9000

Adding PHP interpreter

  1. PhpStorm - File - Settings - Languages & Frameworks - PHP - CLI Interpreter

  2. Plus sign in the top left corner - Remote...

  3. Select Docker and set Image name to amqamq/phalcon:nginx

Changing PHP settings

  1. Edit client/docker/php-dev.ini, by adding, for example:

    memory_limit = 256M
  2. Restart docker-compose:

    docker-compose restart

Deploying to production

  1. Launch a Linux server with any provider

  2. Open ports 22, 80, 443, 2376, 2377, 7946, 7946, 4789

  3. Provision Docker from your local machine:

    docker-machine create --driver=generic --generic-ip-address= --generic-ssh-key=key.pem --generic-ssh-user=user sam101
  4. Check the available machines:

    docker-machine ls
  5. Change you local environmental variables to reflect the remote machine:

    eval "$(docker-machine env sam101)"
  6. Check what containers are running on the remote machine (should be none):

    docker ps
  7. Copy prod.env.example to prod.env and edit it accordingly

  8. Deploy

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d

The deployment includes v2tec/watchtower which automatically updates the containers on image pushes (handled by Travis)


Docker Quickstart returns errors

Most probably you have just upgraded the Toolbox or VirtualBox. A reboot should solve the problem

docker-compose returns service 'version' doesn't have any configuration options

Make sure your docker-compose version is 1.6.0 or newer:

docker-compose --version

I can't access the web application

  • the IP is wrong. Make sure to use the one shown by Docker Quickstart

  • the shared folders are broken. Make sure that the mount in VirtualBox machine settings is exactly:

    /c/Users C:\Users

    then restart the machine:

    docker-machine restart

Web application returns compileFile ../cache [...] permission denied

Run on your local machine:

chmod 777 client/cache
chmod 777 server/cache

docker-compose returns invalid bind mount spec in PhpStorm on Windows

Workaround: set a user environment variable in Control panel:


Which Docker images are we using?

All are based on debian:jessie. We will consider switching to alpine when mariadb gets an official support for it