
repo for tweaking hidclient - not the original

Primary LanguageC


My tweaks to hidclient.

Original software is GPL'ed, written by Anselm Martin Hoffmeister.

Current status

Currently, this works, but it's definitely not a smooth setup process. Quirks:

  • Requires --compat flag to bluetoothd
    • (possibly unneeded if not publishing SDP records)
  • Only works once per bluetoothd session
    • Need to restart bluetooth service on host after disconnecting client
  • bluetoothd needs to be restarted after hidclient is started

Full example usage

This is what works for me running Arch Linux on both machines.

One-time setup steps

On host machine:

## compile this software
[host hidclient]$ make

## Edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service to change this line:

## To:
ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --compat

## Determine correct IDs for use below:
[host hidclient]$ XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority sudo ./hidclient -l

Each time connecting

On the system running hidclient, in the source directory:

## The numbers provided to the -e flag(s) will vary for your system
[host hidclient]$ XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority sudo ./hidclient -x -e0 -e17 -e18
  HID keyboard/mouse service registered
  Opened /dev/input/event0 as event device [counter 0]
  Opened /dev/input/event17 as event device [counter 1]
  Opened /dev/input/event18 as event device [counter 2]
  The HID-Client is now ready to accept connections from another machine

On the system running hidclient, in another terminal emulator:

[host ~]$ sudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service
[host ~]$ bluetoothctl
  [bluetooth]# power on
  Changing power on succeeded
  [bluetooth]# agent on
  Agent registered
  [bluetooth]# default-agent
  Default agent request successful

On the client system:

[client ~]$ bluetoothctl
  [bluetooth]# power on
  Changing power on succeeded
  [bluetooth]# agent on
  Agent registered
  [bluetooth]# default-agent
  Default agent request successful
  [bluetooth]# connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
  Attempting to connect to XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
  [CHG] Device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Connected: yes
  Connection successful