
Neo4j + ActiveModel for Rails 3

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This is an experimental library for playing with an ActiveModel-charged version of the Neo4j.rb Ruby library. The intent is to use it as a full replacement for ActiveRecord inside a Rails 3 application.

Of course you can use Neo4j.rb as is in a Rails application, but this library uses ActiveModel to make the API and usage even closer to ActiveRecord. One example of this is the way Model.new works.

In Neo4j.rb, Node.new requires a transaction and immediately stores the node in the database.In Neo4j-Rails, object initialization matches ActiveRecord-style two-step Model.new + Model#save creation. This makes it easier to create forms that don't touch the database if validation fails.


Include the 'neo4j-rails' library in your Gemfile to use in your project.

gem "neo4j-rails"

Extend Neo4j::Model to create your model node classes.

class IceCream < Neo4j::Model
  property :flavour
  validates_presence_of :flavour

IceCream.new.valid?  # => false
IceCream.new(:flavour => "vanilla").valid?  # => true

Configure the location of the Neo4j database and Lucene index files on disk. The Lucene search index will normally be created in memory, so set store_on_file = true to save it to disk. Usually these settings will go in config/application.rb or config/environments/*.rb.

Rails.application.configure do
  config.neo4j.storage_path = "/var/neo4j"
  config.lucene.storage_path = "/var/lucene"
  config.lucene.store_on_file = true


Many of the familiar API methods from ActiveRecord are duplicated in Neo4j::Model. Neo4j::Model includes ActiveModel::Validations, ActiveModel::Conversions, and ActiveModel::Callbacks.

class Neo4j::Model
  def valid?; end
  def save; end
  def save!; end
  def update_attributes(attributes); end
  def update_attributes!(attributes); end
  def destroy; end
  def attributes=(attrs); end
  def reload; end
  def self.all; end
  def self.find(*); end
  def self.create(attributes); end
  def self.create!(attributes); end


Neo4j-Rails is available under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt for details).

However, Neo4j-Rails also depends on the Neo4j.rb library, and the MIT license does not replace or cover the licensing terms of its own library or its components.