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This simple plugin helps you to insert a TODO item on your today's journal page, without navigating to it. This maybe useful when you are writing notes on one page, and suddenly want to add a task item regarding a separate matter. Instead of going to your daily page and adding the task there, this plugin allows you to add it using the command palatte.


Please install from the marketplace. If it's not available there, you can download the latest release here, unzip the file and manually load it into Logseq.


Adding to today's journal page

To begin, just activate the command palatte (Win: Ctrl + Shift + p, Mac: Cmd + Shift + p) and type quick, and the option Quick todo to today's journal page will appear. Select it and you can start keying in your task, and pressing Enter after. Your task will then appear on today's journal page.

Adding to default page

If you would like to set a default page for the task items to go to, e.g. Task Items, please key in the following in your plugin settings, and restart Logseq:

    "defaultPage": "Task Items"

Adding to page mentioned in task

If you would like for the task to be in a mentioned page, e.g. Plan party for [[Acme Company]] to go to the page [[Acme Company]], please key in the following in your plugin settings, and restart Logseq':

    "parsePage": true