
Android Jetpack Compose Form

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Android Compose Form Library


This library provides an easy-to-use and customizable solution for building forms in Android Jetpack Compose. It includes form fields such as text input, pickers, checkbox, and more, with built-in validators to ensure accurate user input. Data binding is also supported, making it easy to work with form data in your code.

The library uses reflection, to provide more flexibility in your form design. Whether you're building a complex registration form or a simple feedback form, this library has you covered.


Getting Started

To start using the library in your Android Compose project, follow these steps:

  1. Add the JitPack repository to your settings.gradle file
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

Note: In older Android projects, the repositories are defined in the root build.gradle file.

  1. Add the dependency in your build.gradle file.
implementation 'com.github.benjamin-luescher:compose-form:0.2.8'

Easy example

In a first example we create a simple form with two text fields. The form will look like this:

ComposeForm Simple

  1. Create a your form class with your form field annotations (@FormField)
class MainForm(resourcesProvider: ResourcesProvider): Form() {
    override fun self(): Form {
        return this

    val name = FieldState(
        state = mutableStateOf<String?>(null),
        validators = mutableListOf(NotEmptyValidator())

    val lastName = FieldState(
        state = mutableStateOf<String?>(null)
  1. Create a ViewModel for your form.
class MainViewModel @Inject constructor(
    resourcesProvider: ResourcesProvider
): ViewModel() {
    var form = MainForm(resourcesProvider)

    fun validate() {
        Log.d("MainViewModel", "Validate (form is valid: ${form.isValid})")
  1. Add the fields in your composable UI.
Column {
        label = "Name",
        form = viewModel.form,
        fieldState = viewModel.form.name,
        label = "Last Name",
        form = viewModel.form,
        fieldState = viewModel.form.lastName

Extended Form example

We now try to make a more complex form with different validators, date fields, password fields and searchable pickers. This is how the form will look like:

ComposeForm Extended

  1. Create a form class with form fields. Define form fields by the @FormField annotation.
// in this example we have a separate data class `Country` for a country picker.
data class Country(
    val code: String,
    val name: String
): PickerValue() {
    override fun searchFilter(query: String): Boolean {
        return this.name.startsWith(query)

class MainForm(resourcesProvider: ResourcesProvider): Form() {
    override fun self(): Form {
        return this

    val name = FieldState(
        state = mutableStateOf<String?>(null),
        validators = mutableListOf(
                minLength = 3,
                errorText = resourcesProvider.getString(R.string.error_min_length)

    val lastName = FieldState(
        state = mutableStateOf<String?>(null)

    val password = FieldState(
        state = mutableStateOf<String?>(null),
        validators = mutableListOf(
                minLength = 8,
                errorText = resourcesProvider.getString(R.string.error_min_length)

    val passwordConfirm = FieldState(
        state = mutableStateOf<String?>(null),
        validators = mutableListOf(
            IsEqualValidator({ password.state.value })

    val email = FieldState(
        state = mutableStateOf<String?>(null),
        validators = mutableListOf(

    val country = FieldState(
        state = mutableStateOf<Country?>(null),
        options = mutableListOf(
            Country(code = "CH", name = "Switzerland"),
            Country(code = "DE", name = "Germany"),
            Country(code = "FR", name = "France"),
            Country(code = "US", name = "United States"),
            Country(code = "ES", name = "Spain"),
            Country(code = "BR", name = "Brazil"),
            Country(code = "CN", name = "China"),
        optionItemFormatter = { "${it?.name}" },
        validators = mutableListOf(

    val startDate = FieldState(
        state = mutableStateOf<Date?>(null),
        validators = mutableListOf(

    val endDate = FieldState(
        state = mutableStateOf<Date?>(null),
        validators = mutableListOf(
                minDateTime = {startDate.state.value?.time ?: 0},
                errorText = resourcesProvider.getString(R.string.error_date_after_start_date)

    val agreeWithTerms = FieldState(
        state = mutableStateOf<Boolean?>(null),
        validators = mutableListOf(
            IsEqualValidator({ true })
  1. Create a ViewModel for your form.
class MainViewModel @Inject constructor(
    resourcesProvider: ResourcesProvider
): ViewModel() {
    var form = MainForm(resourcesProvider)

    fun validate() {
        Log.d("MainViewModel", "Validate (form is valid: ${form.isValid})")
  1. Add the fields in your composable UI.
Column {
        modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp),
        label = "Name",
        form = viewModel.form,
        fieldState = viewModel.form.name,
        modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp),
        label = "E-Mail",
        form = viewModel.form,
        fieldState = viewModel.form.email,
        keyboardType = KeyboardType.Email
        modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp),
        label = "Password",
        form = viewModel.form,
        fieldState = viewModel.form.password
        modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp),
        label = "Password Confirm",
        form = viewModel.form,
        fieldState = viewModel.form.passwordConfirm
        modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp),
        label = "Last Name",
        form = viewModel.form,
        fieldState = viewModel.form.lastName,
        isEnabled = false,
        modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp),
        label = "Country",
        form = viewModel.form,
        fieldState = viewModel.form.country
        modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp),
        label = "Start Date",
        form = viewModel.form,
        fieldState = viewModel.form.startDate,
        formatter = ::dateShort
        modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp),
        label = "End Date",
        form = viewModel.form,
        fieldState = viewModel.form.endDate,
        formatter = ::dateLong
        modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp),
        fieldState = viewModel.form.agreeWithTerms,
        label = "I agree to Terms & Conditions",
        form = viewModel.form


  • A variety of form fields to choose from, including text input, pickers, checkbox, and more
  • Built-in validators to ensure accurate user input
  • Data binding for easy management of form data in your code


This library is licensed under the MIT License.