
Conduct an interchain swap from polygon via axelar on the ethereum based uniswap router

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Interchain Defi

This contract allows you to conduct a swap with uniswap from a different blockchain. To do this we leverage Axelar's ability to send tokens and general messages.

Before interacting with the contract you must install your dependency by running npm i

Deploy Contract

  1. Set your private key in a .env file
  2. Deploy your contract on each chain you want to interact with. This repo comes built with scripts for Ethereum Goerli and Polygon Mumbai
    • To deploy on goerli run: hh run scripts/deployGoerli.ts --network ethereum
    • To deploy on mumbai run: hh run scripts/deployMumbai.ts --network polygon
  3. In your console you should see a log returning the address of your deployed contract
    • Ex. mumbai contract address: 0x123456789ABCDEF....

Interact with Contract

The quickest way to interact with the contract is via the hardhat console. Simply follow the following steps after deploying your contract:

  1. hh console --network polygon
  2. const Contract = await ethers.getContractFactory("InterchainDefi")
  3. const contract = await Contract.attach("YOUR_MUMBAI_ADDRESS")
  4. await contract.interchainSwap("ethereum-2", "YOUR_GOERLI_ADDRESS", "axlWETH", 1000000000000000, {value: 1000000000000000})

Once you submit the interchainSwap function you can access the transaction on the Axelarscan Explorer via the tx hash.