
Example repository for applying Circles to Quadratic Voting / Funding

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EthKyiv 2024 - using Circles for Governing the Commons

This readme is written to give you minimal information about Circles to get you up to speed (fast).

Circles Bounties for EthKyiv 2024

Circles has USD 1400 for two, open-ended bounty tracks for EthKyiv:

  1. Integration track of Circles: awarded to the best idea of integrating Circles with any existing DeFi, Social apps or protocols, SocialFi, ZK protocols, wallets, web2 apps, ... but make sure it is value-aligned ;-)

  2. Governing the Commons with Circles track: awarded to the best implementation of Group Circles to "govern a common". (see below for details)

Either track requires to use either:

  • Circles v1 on Gnosis Chain mainnet
  • Circles v2 on Chiado testnet
  • or mocked Group Circles (ERC20, or ERC1155): the essense must be that
    • community currencies have a relevant condition with which people can mint it (ie. mocked version of collateralizing their Circles under the same condition)
    • mock and implementation must be compatible with core principles of Circles (eg. cannot requiring a different issuance)

We aim to divide bounty equal over the two tracks, but we reserve the right to make a final decision on how to distribute the total bounty after judging all submissions.

To hack on ideas for "Governing the Commons with Circles" we recommend to focus on the crux of your idea during the hackathon and treat Circles as a black box. For example, simply start by mocking Circles from a set of ERC20 contracts, or an ERC1155 contract to represent the Group Circles of different communities.


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