Jean-Luc Picard's Star Fleet academy training

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🚀 Jean-Luc Picards Star Fleet training academy

getting started (on testnet)

You'll need RPC access to a full node for Ropsten and a full node running the test sidechain. If you need to set up your nodes, you can use mosaic-chains to run these nodes. You need docker. To install docker visit https://docs.docker.com/install/.

All transactions will be signed locally. You must generate and fund addresses on origin and auxiliary in order to use JLP! See Accounts for details.


Copy the config.json.dist example to config.json.

⚠️ You may need to change the web3 provider ports.

⚠️ You have to put in your {origin,auxiliary}masterKey! You also may want to change other parameters. If you don't put in the {origin/auxiliary}deployerAddress, you need to run the refill command to generate and fund them (see below).

⚠️ Other commands will overwrite your config, for example when they deploy contracts. You may want to store different config files for different tests.


JLP will use accounts that you locally keep to send signed transactions to ethereum nodes. This means that you need to provide local accounts. If you don't have a local account, you can use account.js to generate one. account.js always writes to ./accounts.json and JLP will always read the accounts from that location. account.js will backup any existing file.

Accounts are stored as encrypted Web3 key-vaults.

# Help:
./src/bin/account.js -h

# Create a new origin account
./src/bin/account.js origin

# Create a new auxiliary account
./src/bin/account.js auxiliary

EIP20 Token

If you do not have an EIP20 token, you must deploy one on origin. Use the eip20 executable for that:

# Help:
./src/bin/eip20.js -h

# Deploy JLP token:
./src/bin/eip20.js config.json JLP "Jean-Luc Picard Token" 10000000000000000000000000 18

It will write eip20TokenAddress to your config file.

Mosaic Deployment

Prerequisite: eip20TokenAddress in your config file.

If you want to deploy contracts to the chains, use the deploy executable:

# Help:
./src/bin/deploy.js -h

# Deployment of utility token with gateways (requires anchor addresses in your config):
./src/bin/deploy.js utilityToken config.json

# If you don't have anchor addresses, yet, you must deploy anchors first.
# Deployment of anchors:
./src/bin/deploy.js anchors config.json

It will write contract addresses to your config file.


Prerequisite: originAnchorAddress and/or auxiliaryAnchorAddress in your config file.

If you want to anchor state roots, use the anchor executable:

# Help:
./src/bin/anchor.js -h

# Anchors origin state roots to auxiliary, with a 20 block delay:
./src/bin/anchor.js config.json auxiliary 20

It will keep on running and anchoring until you send SIGINT (^C).

Stake Facilitator

Prerequisite: originGatewayAddress and eip20TokenAddress in your config file.

node src/bin/facilitator.js stake path_to_config.json stakerAddress stakeAmount beneficiaryAddress
  • Replace path_to_config.json with a file location where config must be stored.
  • Replace stakeAddress with an address holding eip20TokenAddress balance.
  • Replace stakeAmount with number representing stake amount in wei.
  • Replace beneficiaryAddress with an address on auxiliary chain where token will be minted.

It will write stake request details in the config file, which will be needed for progress stake.

Progress Stake Facilitator


  1. originGatewayAddress , eip20TokenAddress and stakes generated in previous step in the config file.
  2. Run anchor state root after stake facilitator step.
node src/bin/facilitator.js progressStake path_to_config.json messageHash
  • Replace path_to_config.json with a file location where config must be stored.
  • Replace messageHash with a hash generated in stake facilitator step.

This step will mint tokens in auxiliary chain.

Wrapping and Unwrapping OST

Prerequisite: auxiliaryOSTPrimeAddress in your config file.

In order to wrap OST in OSTPrime or to unwrap OST from OSTPrime, use the ost executable:

# Help:
./src/bin/deploy.js -h

# Wrap OST
node src/bin/ost.js wrap <config.json> <address> <amount>

# Unwrap OST
node src/bin/ost.js unwrap <config.json> <address> <amount>
  • Replace config.json with the path to the configuration file.
  • Replace address with an unlocked address with OST on the auxiliary chain to wrap or unwrap.
  • Replace amount with an amount of OST to wrap or unwrap in wei.

In wrapping, it will transfer OST to the OSTPrime contract from address.

In unwrapping, it will transfer OST from the OSTPrime contract to address.

Setup Branded Token

Prerequisite: eip20TokenAddressin config file. Optionally, you can run EIP20 Token setup step mentioned above.

# Help: 
node src/bin/bt.js --help

node src/bin/bt.js setupBrandedToken <config.json> <symbol> <name> <decimal> <conversionRate> <conversionDecimal>

Setup Utility Branded Token

Prerequisite: Branded token config in config file.

# Help: 
node src/bin/bt.js --help

node src/bin/bt.js setupUtilityBrandedToken <config.json>

Setup GatewayComposer

Prerequisite: eip20TokenAddress and brandedToken address in the config file.

# Help: 
node src/bin/bt.js --help

node src/bin/bt.js gatewayComposer path_to_config.json
  • Replace path_to_config.json with a file location where config is stored.

Request Stake for BT

Prerequisite: eip20TokenAddress and brandedToken address in the config file.

# Help: 
node src/bin/bt.js --help

node src/bin/bt.js requestStake path_to_config.json originGatewayAddress stakeVT beneficiary gasPrice gasLimit
  • Replace path_to_config.json with a file location where config is stored.
  • Replace originGatewayAddress with the address of origin gateway contract address.
  • Replace stakeVT with amount of value tokens to be staked.
  • Replace beneficiary with the address for minting tokens.
  • Replace gasPrice with the number representing the gas price for the request.
  • Replace gasLimit with the number representing the gas limit for the request.

Accept Stake for BT

Prerequisite: stakeRequestHash in stakeRequests in the config file.

# Help: 
node src/bin/bt.js --help

node src/bin/bt.js acceptStake path_to_config.json stakeRequestHash
  • Replace path_to_config.json with a file location where config is stored.
  • Replace stakeRequestHash with the hash received from requestStake process.
  • Use facilitator agent to progress.

Redeem Facilitator


  1. auxiliaryGatewayAddress and eip20TokenAddress generated in your config file.
node src/bin/facilitator.js redeem path_to_config.json redeemerAddress redeemAmount beneficiaryAddress
  • Replace path_to_config.json with a file location where config is stored.
  • Replace redeemerAddress with an address holding eip20TokenAddress balance.
  • Replace redeemAmount with number representing redeem amount in wei.
  • Replace beneficiaryAddress with an address on auxiliary chain where token will be minted.

It will write redeem request details in the config file, which will be needed for progress redeem(Next step).

Progress Redeem Facilitator

  1. auxiliaryGatewayAddress , eip20TokenAddress and redeems generated in previous step in the config file.
  2. Run anchor state root after redeem facilitator step.
node src/bin/facilitator.js progressRedeem path_to_config.json messageHash
  • messageHash generated in redeem facilitator step.

Setup OpenST

Prerequisite: organization and eip20Token contracts should have been deployed.

# Help:
node ./src/bin/openst.js --help
# Setup OpenST:
node ./src/bin/openst.js config.json organization eip20Token

It will write below contract addresses to your config file:

  • TokenHolder master copy address.

  • Gnosis master copy address.

  • Recovery master copy address.

  • UserWalletFactory contract address.

  • ProxyFactory contract address.

  • CreateAndAddModule helper contract address.

  • TokenRules contract address.

  • Replace config.json with the path to the configuration file.

  • Replace organization with an organization contract address.

  • Replace eip20Token with eip20Token address.

Register Rule to TokenRules

Prerequisite: tokenRules and worker in your config file.

# Help:
node ./src/bin/register_rule.js --help

# Register rule to TokenRules:
node ./src/bin/register_rule.js config.json ruleName ruleAddress ruleAbiFilePath
  • Replace config.json with the path to the configuration file.
  • Replace ruleName with name of the rule.
  • Replace ruleAddress with address of the rule.
  • Replace ruleAbiFilePath with file path containing abi of the rule.

Create User


  • tokenHolderMasterCopy master copy in your config file.
  • gnosisSafeMasterCopy master copy in your config file.
  • recoveryMasterCopy master copy in your config file.
  • ProxyFactory contract address in your config file.
  • userWalletFactory contract address in your config file.
  • proxyFactory contract address in your config file.
  • createAndAddModules contract address in your config file.
  • tokenRules contract address in your config file.
  • recoveryOwnerAddress recoveryOwner address in your config file.
  • recoveryControllerAddress recoveryController address in your config file.
  • recoveryBlockDelay recovery block delay in your config file.

Don't forget to update config.openst with recoveryOwnerAddress, recoveryControllerAddress and recoveryBlockDelay.

# Help:
node ./src/bin/create_user.js --help
# Create User:
node ./src/bin/create_user.js <config.json> <eip20Token> <owners> <threshold> <sessionKeys> <sessionKeySpendingLimits> <sessionKeyExpirationHeights>
  • Replace config.json with the path to the configuration file.
  • Replace eip20Token with the UBT address of the economy.
  • Replace owners with comma separated owner addresses.
  • Replace threshold with gnosis requirement.
  • Replace sessionKeys comma separated session keys.
  • Replace sessionKeySpendingLimits comma separated spending limits corresponding to session keys.
  • Replace sessionKeyExpirationHeights comma separated expiration heights corresponding to session keys.


To run the tests run npm run test.

If you don't have a ./test/config_init.json file, it will be copied with the default values. If you need a different config, you should update the file before running the tests again.

For more details see the test README.



Send base tokens from the local account to an address.

# Help:
node ./src/bin/send.js --help

# Send funds:
node ./src/bin/send.js config.json auxiliary 0xab3778bfa8edc02c290ccf192a5bbe3bba21e9a2 26346717769700000000


Get the base token balance of a local account.

# Help:
node ./src/bin/balance.js --help

# Check balance:
node ./src/bin/balance.js config.json auxiliary