
Use pretty URLs everywhere in MODX Revolution

Primary LanguagePHP


Use pretty URLs everywhere. for the MODX Revolution content management framework


CustomRequest is an effective tool for MODX Revolution to map pretty but not found URLs to a MODX resource and set the request parameter by separating the URI path at the URI separators or by a regular expression.

The first characters of the not found URI will be compared with the alias value of each config entry. If found, this config entry is used. The alias is stripped from the not found URI and the remaining string is used to set the request parameters.


MODX Package Management


The following parameter could be set in system settings

Parameter Description
debug Log debug information in MODX error log


You could configure CustomRequest in a custom manager page in the extras menu. The CustomRequest could be created on that page.

The configurations are executed in the order of the grid on this page. If there are two configurations starting with the same alias path, the first configuration is used. You can change the order of the configurations by drag&drop.

The following settings could be used in each configuration:

Key Description
Name A name to identify this configuration.
Alias Path The first characters of a not found URI are compared with this string. If both paths are matching, this configuration is used. If the alias path field is not set, the alias path of the selected resource in this form is used.
Resource A not found URI is forwarded to this resource, if the current configuration is used.
URI Parameter The request/get/post parameter keys, the divided second part of the not found URI are assigned to. If the Regular Expression field not set, the second part is divided at the URI separators /
Regular Expression This optional regular expression is used to divide the second parts of the not found URI. The search results are assigned to the request parameters in the order of occurrence.



Name Alias Path Resource URI Parameter Regular Expression
Date calendar/date/ ["year", "month", "day", "title"]
Calendar calendar/ ["year", "month", "day"]
  1. If you are using two or more nested aliases in your configs, the deeper alias should be defined before the narrower alias in the configs.


Name Alias Path Resource URI Parameter Regular Expression
Gallery Gallery Folder ["galAlbum", "galItem"]


Name Alias Path Resource URI Parameter Regular Expression
Test completely/different/uri/ Test ["parameter1", "parameter2"]
  1. The Alias Path does not have to match the alias of the Resource.

Regular Expression

Name Alias Path Resource URI Parameter Regular Expression
Expression Expression ["string", "numeric"] (.*?)-(\d+)
  1. This rule does not make much sense. If you have a better one ...