
ImageSwap is a really simple and tiny pure JavaScript library for swapping image sources on different screen resolutions.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Image Swap

This is a simple library that handles changing src attribute on a selected image tag. To be used for a large header images cropped for different screen resolutions.

NB! The src attribute of a target img should be initially empty to prevent original large picture from loading. Use it if you need a fully cross-browser solution. Currently tested on IE6-IE11. Other browsers are supported as well.

How it works

You should have something like this as you directory structure under the main image path:

├── 1024
│   └── picture.jpg
├── 800
│   └── picture.jpg
├── 320
│   └── picture.jpg
└── picture.jpg

This kind of automatic resize/cropping can be easily accomplished by following Grunt and Gulp plugins:

  1. grunt-responsive-images
  2. grunt-clowncar
  3. gulp-responsive
  4. gulp-image-resize

Basic Setup

  1. Include it on your page:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="image-swap.js"></script>
  2. Get the image element:

    <img id="picture" src=""/>
    var pictureId = document.getElementById('picture');
  3. Define the options:

    var options = {
        picture: pictureId,
        name: 'picture.jpg',
        path: '/assets/images/',
        resolutions: {
            large: 1024,
            medium: 800,
            small: 320
  4. Pass the options to a newly created object:

    var Sizes = new ImageSwap(options);
  5. Optionally, call an update method on window resize event to see the changes right away:

    window.addEventListener('resize', function() {


picture - ID of a target element.

name - filename of the image.

path - full path to the image.

resolutions - definition of small, medium and large screen sizes. This number will append to your path option.