
Tutorial to find spatial points of animal movement that cross boundary and the amount of time it takes for the animal to cross the boundary

Primary LanguageRCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Animal to movemenet across a boundary

Our Objectives

The purpose of the is vignette is to determine when (i.e., time stamps) and how long, an animal takes to cross a boundary (i.e., line or polygon). Specifically we want to identify the nodes on the track that straddle the boundary, and identify the time between nodes. The rational for wanting to determine time spent crossing a boundary could be multiple situations. For example, wanting to estimate the amount of time it took for a fish to migrate into or out of a marine protected area (MPA) using satellite or acoustic telemetry. This vignette was inspired the the following twitter post and the initial ideas of how to solve this were inspired by the following blog post focused on network analysis by Jesse Sadler, and chunks of code were used from Shortest Paths Within a Boundary - {pathroutr} and functions from {soapcheckr}.

You can download and unzip this vignette using the following code:
