ORB (TC) conformal example

This repo captures code and ideas for applying "Conformal Prediction for Simulation Models" to ORB function predictions.

The data and simulation models were provided by Trey McNeely, Ann Lee, Kimberly Wood, Nic Dalmasso and Pavel Khokhlov (arXiv:1911.11089v3, arXiv:2010.05783v3).

orbconformal package

Python test & coverage codecov CodeFactor

Head to the package part of this repo.

useful development info:

Compile .md files locally:

using grip (pip install grib)

grip -b file_name.md

Developing with py-pkgs

using poetry

  • package adding: dev only:
    poetry add --dev package
    for package:
    poetry add package
  • test running:
poetry run pytest
  • building the docs: in the docs/ folder (using numpy documentation style):

    poetry run make html
  • install package locally

    poetry install

    Note that sometimes deleting the .lock file can be helpful if there are major errors installing packages