
Sorting numbers the most efficient way with two stacks

Primary LanguageC

Hello, welcome to my push_swap !

Grade: 125%
For a list of 500: Average 5010 operations (5/5)
For a list of 100: Average 660 operations (5/5)


ARG=`ruby -e "puts (1..500).to_a.shuffle.join(' ')"`; ./push_swap $ARG | ./checker -n $ARG

Flags implemented:

./checker -n $ARG : Display the number of operations
./checker -c $ARG : Display with colors
./checker -f $ARG : Display an animation of the two piles
./push_swap -p $ARG : Display stages on the stack at some key stages

Examples with flag:

ARG=`ruby -e "puts (1..20).to_a.shuffle.join(' ')"`; ./push_swap $ARG | ./checker -n -f -c $ARG

ARG=`ruby -e "puts (1..20).to_a.shuffle.join(' ')"`; ./push_swap -p $ARG

Good ideas I think I had:

  • For the flag management, I stored the flag then dereferenced the pointer and called the flag management function again
  • To store the list: I used one table of int who has the size of the list, and then when I pa or pb, I just have to move the separation between the two lists by one. Fast and easy for the compilation