
"Video Game DB" is a frontend Vue app where visitors may find a variety of video games either by genre or by a name search. This app was built using Vue.js and multiple API calls to the RAWG API. While I built a similar app using React, this version has some definite improvements to navigation, game details, and overall functionality.

Primary LanguageVue

Video Game DB

Landing Page

Date: 01/27/2022

By: Benjamin Peck


"Video Game DB" is a frontend Vue app where visitors may find a variety of video games either by genre or by a name search. This app was built using Vue.js and multiple API calls to the RAWG API. While I built a similar app using React, this version has some definite improvements to navigation, game details, and overall functionality.

Technologies Used

  • Vue
  • Axios
  • 3rd Party API
  • JavaScript
  • CSS3
    • Flex
  • HTML5

Getting Started

The project has been deployed on Vercel and can be viewed at vue-rawg.vercel.app.

Once launched, browse video games by genre or search for a game by its name.


Browse by Genre

Browse by Genre



Game Details

Game Details

Future Updates

  • Move API calls into backend
  • Add app title to header
  • Add pagination for more games
  • Add subreddit posts to game details
  • Add platform components


  • Benjamin Peck: app creator
  • Andre Pato and Michael Lackey: prompt and starter code
  • RAWG: Video Games Database API used for game genres, images, titles, ratings, and other details
  • PlusPNG: App favicon