Some geographical tools for python developers
GisTools is a small Python library for performing geographical computations. Typically, it gathers different tools from well-known libraries such as gdal, rasterio, geopandas, fiona and shapely. It allows easily mixing operations between vectors and raster maps (multi-band raster are not supported at the moment).
GisTools allows some of the following operations:
- Fast polygon intersection and split
- Polygon partition based on graph theory (requires METIS package)
- Basic networking (shortest path)
- Download DEM from online databases
- Download layers from postgis spatial database
- Extract raster statistics with respect to vector layers (polygon/line)
- Raster to/from polygons conversion
- Compute horizon obstruction from DEM
See requirements.txt
Installing GDAL through pip
might be tricky as it only gets
the bindings, so be sure the library is already installed on
your machine, and that the headers are located in the right
folder. Another solution may to install it through a third-party
distribution such as conda
Pip installation should normally take care of everything for you.
The easiest way to install GisTools is using pip
in a terminal
$ pip install gis-tools
Use DigitalElevationModel
, PolygonLayer
and ZonalStatistics
classes to retrieve average slope within each polygon of a shapefile
>>> dem = gistools.raster.DigitalElevationModel("path/to/dem.tif")
>>> slope = dem.compute_slope()
>>> layer = gistools.layer.PolygonLayer("path/to/layer.shp")
>>> zonal_stat = gistools.stats.ZonalStatistics(slope, layer, is_surface_weighted=False, all_touched=True)
>>> average = zonal_stat.mean()
Extract polygons from contour values in raster
>>> from gistools.raster import RasterMap
>>> raster = RasterMap("path/to/raster.tif", no_data_value=-9999)
>>> layer = raster.contour(0.04, False).polygonize("attribute name").to_crs(epsg=4326)
Build DEM tile by downloading from CGIAR website and save to file
>>> from gistools import DigitalElevationModel
>>> dem = DigitalElevationModel.from_cgiar_online_database((8, 38, 14, 42))
>>> dem.to_file("path/to/dem.tif")
Split a polygon layer into sub-polygons of equal area with respect to honeycomb mesh (requires METIS package)
>>> polygon_layer = gistools.layer.PolygonLayer("path/to/layer.geojson")
>>> new_partitioned_layer = polygon_layer.partition(threshold=2000, disaggregation_factor=20,
split_method="hexana", contig=True)
You can use the fine osmnx
package to download OSM features and then
use it as any other GeoLayer
from gistools.layer import PolygonLayer
import osmnx as ox
country = PolygonLayer.from_gpd(ox.geocode_to_gdf(