Starter Kit to Perform Light Curve fits of DC2 with SNCosmo/SNEMO


Use SNEMO (via SNComso) to fit the DC2 photometry. This will allow, at a later date, for a user to choice in SNCosmo modle. First this codebase will be developed for the use of snemo2and snemo7, with a goal of allowing any SNCosmo model.


Use this script with the base DESC-SN Cori environment:

source /global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/groups/SN/software/

Basic Usage

From $SNANA_LSST_ROOT/starterKits/DC2+SNEMO on Cori, (using the DESC base SN conda env) run python Light-curve fits will be found in snemo2.FITRES and snemo2.csv with errors recorded in ERROR.log.

Currently, without optimization, it takes ~15 mins to fit 50 SNe.


Tutorials and documenation in /docs/ are hosted on GitHub pages at


  • Batch job 47473881 producecd snemo2_v0.1 output for the first 200 SNe in DC2 (172 where fit).