
Bakend Implementation of Span

Primary LanguageElixir


For the busy or forgetful people who want to keep track of their belongings. This project is centered around the idea that our belongings have a lifespan and aims at notifying when they're reaching EOL

Current Implementation

  • Powered by Phoenix
  • Containerized using Docker
  • Data exposed using Graphql (absinthe)


First Time

Clone the Repo

git clone https://github.com/benjaminshafii/Span

Create a docker network

docker network create span

Launch project

sh ./init.sh

Using it

docker-compose up

Using it

Go to http://localhost:4000/graphiql

Use the following to get a token

mutation Login {
  login(email: "ben@ben.com", password:"password")

Copy your token (without the double quotes)

In the query params on top change the URL section to:


then in the Headers section click on Standard -> Oauth2 Bearer Token and place your token after Bearer. It should look like this

Name: Authoriztion

Value: Bearer xxxxx

where xxxxx is your token

Useful Commands

Running your project

The following command is similar to using the Rails console or the Django shell

docker-compose run web iex -S mix
