
Friday Challenge 3 - @ Makers Academy

Primary LanguageRuby


@ Makers Academy

Modelling an airport in Ruby using Rspec and Test doubles.

For this challange I created a set of classes to model air traffic controll system

Skills learnt/used

Rspec, OOP, TTD, Classes, Inheritance, Mixins and
Test Doubles

How to use

Clone the repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/ch2ch3/airport-challenge.git

run rspec to view the tests:

$ rspec

load irb:


require the files:

irb> require "./lib/airport.rb"
irb> require "./lib/plane.rb"
irb> require "./lib/weather.rb"

Create a aiport and planes and try landing a plane

irb> heathrow = Airport.new
irb> concorde = Plane.new
irb> heathrow.land(concorde)

Check the source code for what you can do with the planes. ("watch out for the weather")