
A twitter clone written in ruby using rspec, cucumber, sinatra and capybara

Primary LanguageCSS


@ Makers Academy

A twitter clone written in ruby using rspec, cucumber, sinatra and capybara and A first introduction to databases using datamapper and postgres.

####The app involved using many new concepts and skills including:

  • Persisting users and peeps in the database.
  • One to many relationships between users and tweets.
  • User authentication and tracking with Bcrypt and sessions

Click here to check it out online

Skills learnt/used

  • ruby
  • rspec
  • datamapper
  • postgress
  • ruby
  • rspec
  • capybara
  • bootstrap
  • HTML5
  • CSS3

On the site

Screenshot of welcome page

Click to sign up

Screenshot of

Make sure you choose a unique email address

Screenshot of

Try peeping from the modal

Screenshot of

Or the sidebar

Screenshot of chitter

Go to the homepage to view all user peeps.

How to use

Clone the repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:benjamintillett/chitter.git

Run the tests:

$ cd chitter
$ rspec

Or load the server locally

$ rackup

And point the browser to localhost:9292