
Simple Ruby poker scoring machine.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A simple poker hand scoring machine.


You have multiple poker hands:

hand1 = [[3, :hearts], [7, :diamonds], [8, :clubs], [10, :spades], [2, :hearts]]
hand2 = [["ace", :spades], [7, :spades], [2, :spades], [9, :spades], [3, :spades]]
hand3 = [[10, :clubs], ["ace", :clubs], [9, :clubs], ["queen", :diamonds], [4, :diamonds]]

To find out the winner, you create a new Contest:

contest = PokerHands::Contest.new(hand1, hand2, hand3)

Before the contest is initialized:

  • Each hand is validated and pushed to a new Hand object.
  • Each Hand is evaluated and given a @score value.

Each possible poker hand has a score between 1 and 10, which are set in the PokerHands module.

The new Contest can now commence. The highest Hand.score is the winner.

If there is no clear winner, the highest card is chosen (where the highest card is an ["ace", :clubs]).

In this example, the winner is hand2 with a score of 6 (FLUSH):

#=> #<PokerHands::Hand:0x0...
#      @cards=[["ace", :spades], [7, :spades], [2, :spades], [9, :spades], [3, :spades]],
#      @score=6>