
Node.js client for statsd

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Node.js client for statsd.

Build Status

Quick tour

var SDC = require('statsd-client'),
	sdc = new SDC({host: 'statsd.example.com'});

var timer = new Date();
sdc.increment('some.counter'); // Increment by one.
sdc.gauge('some.gauge', 10); // Set gauge to 10
sdc.timing('some.timer', timer); // Calculates time diff

sdc.close(); // Optional - stop NOW



var SDC = require('statsd-client'),
	sdc = new SDC({host: 'statsd.example.com', port: 8124, debug: true});

Available options:

  • host: Where to send the stats (default localhost).
  • debug: Print what is being sent to stderr (default false).
  • port: Port to contact the statsd-daemon on (default 8125).
  • prefix: Prefix all stats with this value (default "").
  • socketTimeout: Auto-closes the socket after this long without activity (default 1000 ms; 0 disables this).

Counting stuff

Counters are supported, both as raw .counter(metric, delta) and with the shortcuts .increment(metric, [delta=1]) and .decrement(metric, [delta=-1]):

sdc.increment('systemname.subsystem.value'); // Increment by one
sdc.decrement('systemname.subsystem.value', -10); // Decrement by 10
sdc.counter('systemname.subsystem.value', 100); // Increment by 100


Sends an arbitrary number to the back-end:

sdc.gauge('what.you.gauge', 100);


Send unique occurences of events between flushes to the back-end:

sdc.set('your.set', 200);


Keep track of how fast (or slow) your stuff is:

var start = new Date();
setTimeout(function () {
	sdc.timing('random.timeout', start);
}, 100 * Math.random());

If it is given a Date, it will calculate the difference, and anything else will be passed straight through.

And don't let the name (or nifty interface) fool you - it can measure any kind of number, where you want to see the distribution (content lengths, list items, query sizes, ...)

Express helper

There's also a helper for measuring stuff in Express.js via middleware:

var app = express();
	sdc = new StatsDClient({...});

// or
	function (req, res, next) { req.pipe(res); });


This will count responses by status-code (prefix.<statuscode>) and the overall response-times.

It can also measure per-URL (e.g. PUT to /:user/:thing will become PUT_user_thing by setting the timeByUrl: true in the options-object:

app.use(sdc.helpers.getExpressMiddleware('prefix', { timeByUrl: true }));

As the names can become rather odd in corner-cases (esp. regexes and non-REST interfaces), you can specify another value by setting res.locals.statsdUrlKey at a later point.

Stopping gracefully

By default, the socket is closed if it hasn't been used for a second (see socketTimeout in the init-options), but it can also be force-closed with .close():

var start = new Date();
setTimeout(function () {
	sdc.timing('random.timeout', start); // 2 - implicitly re-creates socket.
	sdc.close(); // 3 - Closes socket after last use.
}, 100 * Math.random());
sdc.close(); // 1 - Closes socket early.

The call is idempotent, so you can call it "just to be sure". And if you submit new metrics later, the socket will automatically be re-created, and a new timeout-timer started.


The library supports getting "child" clients with extra prefixes, to help with making sane name-spacing in apps:

// Create generic client
var sdc = new StatsDClient({host: 'statsd.example.com', prefix: 'systemname');
sdc.increment('foo'); // Increments 'systemname.foo'
... do great stuff ...

// Subsystem A
var sdcA = sdc.getChildClient('a');
sdcA.increment('foo'); // Increments 'systemname.a.foo'

// Subsystem B
var sdcB = sdc.getChildClient('b');
sdcB.increment('foo'); // Increments 'systemname.b.foo'

Internally, they all use the same socket, so calling .close() on any of them will allow the entire program to stop gracefully.

What's broken

Check the GitHub issues.