- 6
Missing npm dependencies
#41 opened by gottfrois - 0
- 2
can`t read the property trim of 'undefind
#42 opened by srinivas1918 - 0
Producer Send return callback
#49 opened by mseld - 0
net.createConnection is not a function
#48 opened by codepandy - 0
Cannot find module "tls"
#47 opened by codepandy - 0
pipelined frames do not work
#46 opened by teknopaul - 4
Does it support reconnect automatically
#30 opened by neoqing - 0
- 0
Error connecting to TIBCO queue
#44 opened by samrat-roy - 3
- 0
problem with send on ie8
#36 opened by salaciataurus - 4
Is this project abandoned?
#35 opened by victor73 - 0
- 0
activemq.prefetchSize ignored?
#33 opened by milespoindexter - 2
Stomp.on('error') Not Called for TLS Errors
#27 opened by joshuarubin - 3
Where the crap are the tests?
#16 opened by benjaminws - 4
Please change EventEmitter inheritance way
#25 opened by udavka - 1
Support for Stomp 1.1 ?
#24 opened by victor73 - 2
NPM release
#20 opened by ChrisEineke - 7
Existing messages parser issue
#17 opened by samitny - 9
Binary data is not handled
#15 opened by francoisforster - 3
SSL mode fails, says socket not writable
#11 opened by rauls - 3
body loses data
#14 opened by jmls - 4
seperator between frames NULL or NULL+LF?
#10 opened by rauls - 4
stomp.js doesnt parse headers
#7 opened by EricRossC - 1
tar.gz version different to GIT version.
#12 opened by rauls - 10
body contains \u0000\n
#6 opened by KimSchneider - 5
- 1
- 1