
Fleet-footed, fully-sealed CommonJS module loader

Primary LanguageJavaScript

To use loader.js, include the following <script> tag in an HTML document,
changing the attribute values as appropriate:

  <script src="/uri/of/loader.js"

Since loader.js is a static file, you can load it from anywhere.  The more
people who load it from the same place, the more likely it is to be cached
when a user visits your site.  That's always nice.

The "require" attribute provides two pieces of information, delimited by
the '#' character.  The first should be a URI (absolute or relative,
whatever you want) pointing to the directory that contains curator.py (or
a directory containing all possible paths/to/modules.min.js that you might
require).  This directory does not have to be hosted at the same domain as
loader.js.  The second half of the attribute is the absolute ID of the
first module to load.

The curator.py script is intended to serve as a dynamic handler for 404
errors.  When loader.js requests a file called some/module/id.min.js,
then, assuming this file does not exist, the web server should delegate to
curator.py, which will look for a file called some/module/id.js and wrap
its contents in some boilerplate that loader.js understands.  In
production, the output of curator.py should be saved as an actual file
called some/module/id.min.js to avoid the overhead of script execution and
fully exploit the web server's static file-serving optimization abilities
(gzip, etags, cache headers, &c.).  See the included .htaccess file for an
example of how to configure curator.py as an ErrorDocument under the
Apache webserver.