
Stata module to compute the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition

Primary LanguageStataMIT LicenseMIT


Stata module to compute the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition

To install oaxaca from the SSC Archive, type

. ssc install oaxaca, replace

To install oaxaca from GitHub, type

. net install oaxaca, replace from(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benjann/oaxaca/main/)

Main changes:

24apr2023 (version 4.1.1)
- various improvements of how the estimation sample and associated information
  is handled
  o if option -svy- is applied, information such as e(N_pop), e(N_psu), etc. is
    now also returned and displayed if -suest- or -nose- is specified;
    observations with zero weights are now consistently counted
    in e(N), e(N_1) and e(N_2); number of groups in by() is checked after
    restricting the sample by subopop(), if specified
  o if selection models are applied, the full estimation sample including
    observations from the first stage is now available to the pooled model
    and is retuned in e(sample); e(N), e(N_1) and e(N_2) refer to full sample
    sizes; selected sample sizes are returned in e(N_1_selected) and
    e(N_2_selected) (and reported in display)
  o in case of fweights, e(N), e(N_1) and e(N_2) are now report sum of weights
  o consistency check applied by normalize() no longer fails if there are
    missing values on some X (which can happen if there are observations with
    a weight of zero)
- improved computational efficiency of change introduced in version 4.1.0
- a legend documenting the definitions of the decomposition terms is now
  displayed in the table header; type -nodefinitions- to suppress
- options -noheader- and -notable- are now supported
- if -eform- is specified, renaming of _cons for display is now only applied 
  in Stata 11 or earlier
- e(cmdline) is now returned
- e(k_eq) and e(k_eform) are now returned
- in Stata 11 or newer, standard display option such as -coeflegend- or
  -cformat()- are now supported
- svy option now supports all vcetypes
- now always using own display routine, i.e., also in case of vce(bootstrap), 
  vce(jackknife), or svy with vcetype other than linearized

18apr2023 (version 4.1.0)
- further improved identification of estimation sample in case of -svy-; a
  consistent set of observations is now used across models even if there are
  missings; point estimates are not affected by the change but SEs may be
  slightly different from previous version if some of the variables contain

18apr2023 (version 4.0.9)
- total number of obervations reported by oaxaca when applied with option -svy-
  did not exclude observations with missing values on the analyzed variables; these
  observations were also not excluded from e(sample); this is fixed

28feb2023 (version 4.0.8)
- released on github
- fixed display of header in Stata 17