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React Auth

In this lesson, we will learn how to create components for authentication on the front end. The end result, will be similar to the react-auth-template you will be provided for your third and fourth projects.



By the end of this, developers should be able to:

  • Create SignUp, SignIn, ChangePassword, and SignOut auth components.
  • Prevent viewing components until the user is signed in.
  • Style components using React Bootstrap.
  • Make axios requests using async & await.


  1. Fork and clone this repository. FAQ
  2. Create and checkout to a new branch, training, for your work.
  3. Install dependencies with npm install.
  4. Start application with npm start.

Code Along - Choosing a Theme

To make our application unique, but still look good we will use a color palette.

Explore these color palettes and choose one you like.

In index.scss, set the $primary, $secondary, and $info bootstrap colors to colors from your palette.

Here's an example:

// Add BEFORE Bootstrap is imported
$primary: #f4a261;
$secondary: #e9c46a;
$info: #2a9d8f;

Note: If your color has a green, you might also set $success. If your palette has a red, you might set $danger

Lab - Create a Home Component

  1. In movies/Home.js create a Home function component.
  2. Make it display the following text "The best movie website around".
  3. In App.js add a Route show the Home component at the path /

Auth Routes

We will create a handful of front-end routes that display different components for user actions.

Endpoint Component Must Be Signed In?
/sign-up SignUp No
/sign-in SignIn No
/change-password ChangePassword Yes
/sign-out SignOut Yes

There is no HTTP verb listed because these are all front-end routes handled by React. Some of these routes should not be available unless a user is signed in, so they will redirect to the / page if not signed in.

Code Along - Adding a Header Component

Together we will add a Header component to our app.

It will show the appropriate navigation links when we are signed out or signed in.

Lab - Sign Up a User

Now it's your turn to write a SignUp component!

As a team:

  1. Create a function component called SignUp in auth/SignUp.js (not a class component)
  2. in App.js add a route to show the SignUp component at the path /sign-up
  3. Set up three pieces of state for the email, password, and passwordConfirmation
  4. Create a form to enter the email, password, and passwordConfirmation
  5. When the form is submitted make a POST /sign-up request using axios


  1. After a user is created, navigate to the home page.

Code Along - Refactor SignUp Component

Code Along - Organize Axios Calls

Together let us refactor our axios call into the api/auth.js file.

We'll use named exports, so that we can export multiple auth functions from the same file.

Code Along - Style SignUp Component w/ React Bootstrap Form

Now we will style our SignUp component using a React Bootstrap form.

Code Along - Refactor Promise into Async & Await

To simplify our code, we will refactor our promises into the async & await syntax.

Lab - Sign In a User

Now it's your turn to write a SignIn component!

As a team:

  1. Create a function component called SignIn in auth/SignIn.js (not a class component)
  2. in App.js add a route to show the SignIn component at the path /sign-in
  3. Set up two pieces of state for the email and password
  4. Create a bootstrap Form to enter the email and password
  5. When the form is submitted make a POST /sign-in request using axios
  6. After a user is signed in, navigate to the home page.


  1. After signing in, use the setUser function to store the user.

Hint: You'll need to make sure to pass down the setUser function as a prop to SignIn in App.js

Code Along - Auto Sign In

In SignUp.js, we will automatically sign in the user after signing up.

Lab - Change Password

Now it's your turn to write a ChangePassword component!

As a team:

  1. Create a function component called ChangePassword in auth/ChangePassword.js (not a class component)
  2. in App.js add a route to show the ChangePassword component at the path /change-password. ⚠️ Note: Make sure to pass down the user as a prop for their token.
  3. Set up two pieces of state for the oldPassword and newPassword
  4. Create a bootstrap Form to enter the oldPassword and newPassword
  5. When the form is submitted make a PATCH /change-password request using axios
  6. After the password is changed, navigate to the home page.


  1. If the user isn't signed in, navigate to the home page.

Code Along - Sign Out

Together we will create a SignOut component that makes an axios call to POST /sign-out.

Code Along - AutoDismissAlert

We will create a component that displays user messages. This component will be written in src/components/AutoDismissAlert/AutoDismissAlert.js. A single component instance is used to manage all alerts application-wide.

To display messages, we will create an alertMsg function together. The alert can be used by passing the alertMsg method to a rendered route. The alertMsg method expects an object with a heading, message, and a variant property.

Use this component in conjunction with the messages.js file in the same directory to create and manage all of your application messages in one place.

The variant property must be a Bootstrap alert variant, as this component is merely a wrapper around the react-bootstrap Alert component. The types it will accept are: 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'info', 'light', and 'dark'.

Bonus: Authenticated Movies CRUD

Bonus: Lab - Index Movies

  • Browser
  • cURL / postman
  • React

Bonus: Lab - Show Movie

  • Browser
  • cURL / postman
  • React

Note: Don't worry about editing or deleting yet. You can only edit/delete movies you have created.

Bonus: Code Along - Create Movie

  • cURL
  • React

Bonus: Lab - Update Movie

  • cURL
  • React

Bonus: Lab - Delete Movie

  • cURL
  • React


Developers should run these often!

  • npm run start: generates bundles, watches, and livereloads.
  • npm run deploy: builds and deploys main branch
  • npm run nag: runs code quality analysis tools on your code and complains.
  • npm run make-standard: reformats all your code in the JavaScript Standard Style.
  1. All content is licensed under a CC­BY­NC­SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact