
Generate artificial images

Primary LanguagePython

GANs Project

By training 2 competing Neural Networks (one to generate fake images; one to detect fake images), you can build a top-notch image generation system. This is called "GANs" - Generative Adversarial Network.

##Summary My GANs (and all GANs in general) uses 2 neural networks to generate (from scratch) images of any target subject. The 2 Neural Networks are as follows:

  1. A discriminator (D) that we train to differentiate generated-images (from our network) and non-generated images (real) from elsewhere
  2. A generator (G) that creates fake images, using the D's feedback to improve itself


  • G takes a random 100-dimensional vector

  • applies sets of convolutions/normalizations/ReLu layers

  • outputs a "fake image" (3-dimensional vector)

  • D takes the G's fake-image & real-image (ground truth)

  • outputs a "real-ness score" from 0-1 for G's image (0 ideally); and the real images (1 ideally)

  • back-propogates its error & advises G on how to improve