Coffee-React provides a JSX-like syntax for building React components with the full awesomeness of CoffeeScript.
Included is the cjsx
executable, which is wrapper for coffee
, using
coffee-react-transform and
coffee-script to transform CJSX to Javascript.
You can also require()
CJSX components under node for server-side rendering.
NeatComponent = React.createClass
render: ->
<div className="neat-component">
{<h1>A Component is I</h1> if @props.showTitle}
<hr />
{<p key={n}>This line has been printed {n} times</p> for n in [1..5]}
compile it
$ cjsx -cb neat-component.cjsx
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.9.1
var NeatComponent;
NeatComponent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var n;
return React.createElement("div", {
"className": "neat-component"
}, (this.props.showTitle ? React.createElement("h1", null, "A Component is I") : void 0), React.createElement("hr", null), (function() {
var i, results;
results = [];
for (n = i = 1; i <= 5; n = ++i) {
results.push(React.createElement("p", {
"key": n
}, "This line has been printed ", n, " times"));
return results;
npm install -g coffee-react
- 3.x - React 0.13.x
- 2.1.x - React 0.12.1
- 2.x - React 0.12
- 1.x - React 0.11.2
- 0.x - React 0.11 and below
$ cjsx -h
Usage: cjsx [options] path/to/script.cjsx -- [args]
If called without options, `cjsx` will run your script.
-b, --bare compile without a top-level function wrapper
-c, --compile compile to JavaScript and save as .js files
-e, --eval pass a string from the command line as input
-h, --help display this help message
-j, --join concatenate the source CoffeeScript before compiling
-m, --map generate source map and save as .map files
-n, --nodes print out the parse tree that the parser produces
--nodejs pass options directly to the "node" binary
--no-header suppress the "Generated by" header
-o, --output set the output directory for compiled JavaScript
-p, --print print out the compiled JavaScript
-s, --stdio listen for and compile scripts over stdio
-l, --literate treat stdio as literate style coffee-script
-t, --tokens print out the tokens that the lexer/rewriter produce
-v, --version display the version number
-w, --watch watch scripts for changes and rerun commands
Output compiled JS to a file of the same name:
$ cjsx -c my-component.cjsx
As with the coffee-script
module, you need to register .cjsx
with the module loader:
Component = require('./component.cjsx')
A recent addition to JSX (and CJSX) is 'spread attributes' which allow merging an object of props into a component, eg:
extraProps = color: 'red', speed: 'fast'
<div color="blue" {... extraProps} />
which is transformed to:
extraProps = color: 'red', speed: 'fast'
React.createElement(React.DOM.div, React.__spread({"color": "blue"}, extraProps)
React 0.12 will introduce changes to the way component descriptors are constructed, where the return value of React.createClass
is not a descriptor factory but simply the component class itself, and descriptors must be created manually using React.createElement
or by wrapping the component class with React.createDescriptor
In preparation for this, coffee-react-transform (and as a result, coffee-react) now outputs calls to React.createElement
to construct element descriptors from component classes for you, so you won't need to wrap your classes using React.createFactory
. However, for this to work you will need to be using at least React 0.11.2, which adds React.createElement
If you want the older style JSX output (which just desugars into function calls) then you need to use the 0.x branch, eg. 0.5.1.
Additionally, as of 1.0.0, all input files will be CJSX transformed, even if they don't have a .cjsx
extension or # @cjsx
- coffee-react-transform, the underlying parser/transformer package.
- node-cjsx:
CJSX files on the server (also possible with coffee-react/register). - coffee-reactify: bundle CJSX files via browserify, see also cjsxify.
- react-coffee-quickstart: equivalent to react-quickstart.
- sprockets preprocessor: use CJSX with Rails/Sprockets
- ruby coffee-react gem: transform CJSX to Coffeescript under Ruby
- vim plugin for syntax highlighting
- sublime text package for syntax highlighting
- mimosa plugin for the mimosa build tool
- gulp plugin for the gulp build tool
- karma preprocessor for karma test runner