
The best PostgreSQL plugin for Vim!

Primary LanguageVim Script

Vim PostgreSQL syntax plugin

pgsql syntax highlighting

This plugin provides syntax highlighting and auto-completion support for PostgreSQL version 9.6 or above and for some of its extensions, including:

Besides, syntax highlighting for any language may be activated inside functions (see below).


If your Vim supports packages (echo has('packages') prints 1), I strongly recommend that you use them. Just clone this repo inside pack/*/start, e.g.,

cd ~/.vim
git clone https://github.com/lifepillar/pgsql.vim.git pack/bundle/start/pgsql

Otherwise, if you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend installing Pathogen, and then simply copy and paste:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/lifepillar/pgsql.vim.git


For thorough documentation, see :h pgsql.txt.

Files with a .pgsql suffix are highlighted out of the box. If you want to highlight .sql files using this plugin by default, add this to your .vimrc (see :h ft_sql.txt):

let g:sql_type_default = 'pgsql'

Alternatively, after loading a .sql file use this command:

:SQLSetType pgsql.vim

To set the file type in new buffers use:

:let b:sql_type_override='pgsql' | set ft=sql

Code between $pgsql$ or $$ pairs is treated as PL/pgSQL and highlighted accordingly:

PL/pgSQL snippet

You may set g:pgsql_pl to a list of file types to be used in user-defined functions. For example, after setting:

let g:pgsql_pl = ['python']

code between $python$ pairs will be highlighted as Python:

PL/Pythonu snippet


The syntax file is generated automatically. If you want to hack it, edit src/pgsql.sql, then execute:

cd src
make install

This will update syntax/pgsql.vim. The script has been tested in macOS, but it should work on any *nix system.


This plugin was originally based on code from space::tekk (and completely rewritten).