
A JavaScript API and CLI to test a GraphQL server for GraphQL HTTP spec compliance.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


CI status

A JavaScript API and CLI to test a GraphQL server for GraphQL HTTP spec compliance.


To install from npm run:

npm install test-graphql-http --save-dev

Then create and run a GraphQL server that implements the test schema.

Finally use either the function testGraphqlHttp or the CLI with the GraphQL server URI to run the tests.


  • Linux, macOS.
  • Node.js v10+.


The test-graphql-http command tests that a GraphQL server at a given URI implements the test schema and complies with the GraphQL HTTP spec. It outputs test results to stdout and stderror accordingly, and exits with status 1 if tests failed.

It implements the function testGraphqlHttp and has one argument; the GraphQL server URI.

npx example:

npx test-graphql-http http://localhost:3001/graphql


Table of contents

function testGraphqlHttp

Tests that a GraphQL server at a given URI implements the test schema and complies with the GraphQL HTTP spec. It outputs test results to the console, and if tests failed sets the process.exitCode to 1, optionally throwing an error.

Parameter Type Description
uri string GraphQL server URI.
throwOnFailure boolean? After tests run, should an error be thrown if some failed.

Returns: Promise<void> — Resolves once tests are complete.


How to import.

const { testGraphqlHttp } = require('test-graphql-http')

constant schema

The test GraphQL schema that a GraphQL server should implement for testing with testGraphqlHttp.

Type: GraphQLSchema


How to import.

const { schema } = require('test-graphql-http')