
Recursive node.js watching that doesn't suck

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Watchr provides a better and normalised API between Node's 0.4 watchFile and 0.6's fsWatcher.

You install it via npm istall watchr, use it via require('watchr').watch(path,listeners,next). Listeners will be triggered whenever a change is made on the directory or for anything inside it (including sub-directories and so on) and are in the following format var listener = function(eventName,filePath,fileCurrentStat,filePreviousStat){}

There are three types of events for your listeners at your disposal:

  • change: a file has been modified
  • new: a new file or directory has been created
  • unlink: a file or a directory has been removed

To wrap it all together, it would look like this:

// Require
watchr = require('watchr')

// Watch a directory or file
	console.log('a watch event occured:',arguments);

You can test the above code snippet by installing watchr globally by running npm install -g watchr to install watchr, then watchr [pathToWatch] to watchr a particular path, and performing some file system modifications on that path.

Thanks for using Watchr!


Support can be found in the GitHub Issue Tracker


You can discover the history inside the History.md file


Licensed under the MIT License
Copyright © 2012 Bevry Pty Ltd
Copyright © 2011 Benjamin Lupton