We'll be building a ToDoList site.
The required functionality of the site will be described in more detail in the Releases section,
- Browse all lists
- Register a new account
- Sign in
- Sign out
- Create a new list
- Add a new task to list
- Have a profile showing completed and uncompleted task
Users will need to register for a new account. The from should contain email, username, and password. The username must be unique.
If constraints are met, the user should be considered logged in and redirected to the home page
If either constraint is not met, the user should see the registration form and error messages
- Create a link on the login page, where a user can enter email and password.
- If email and password match to record, then the user should be considered logged in and redirected to the home page
- If either constraint is not met, the user should see the login form and error messages
- The registered user is signed in:
- A user can create a new List with a name. (add ajax for this part)
- A user can modify the name of List.
- The registered user is signed in:
For existing List, a user can add a new Task with description and status(completed/uncompleted). The default value for status
. (You can user checkbox for marking task) -
A user can delete Task. (add ajax for this part)
A user can modify the task. (add ajax for this part)
A User can complete the task and many tags for task.
- On profile page user can see all List.
- On profile page user can see all completed tasks.
- When a user creates a new Task, a user also can add date, when a task should be completed. If the date is overdue and status of the task still
(uncompleted), then show message near task. 'task is overdue'