This is a stock portfolio application created with Rails and React.

  • Ruby version: 2.3.1
  • BCrypt authentication
  • Uses stock_quote gem (with Yahoo! Finance API)
  • RSPEC testing with factory_girl
  • Charts created with: 'chart-js-rails' and 'chartkick' gems

User Stories: I would like to Create an account I would like to Login to my account While logged in to my account, I would like to see all of my portfolios My portfolio display should include the following:

  • all of my portfolios
  • the total Current Value, total Cost Basis and total P&L When I click on a portfolio, I would like to see the following:
  • All of my stock positions
  • How many shares of each stock position I own (volume)
  • The Current Value of each stock position
  • The Cost Basis of each stock position
  • The P&L of each stock position

Stretch Goals: I would like to buy more shares of a stock position I would like to sell current shares of a stock position I would like to purchase new stock positions at their Current Value I would like to see the gains/loses of all of my stock positions in a chart I would like to see gains/loses of all of my portfolios in a chart

  • by: Joyce Au, Sam Glickman, Benjamin Li, Sid-Ah Merzouk, Rina Robinson