
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Viam C++ SDK

(In)stability Notice

Warning This is a alpha release of the Viam C++ SDK. Stability is not guaranteed. Breaking changes are likely to occur, and occur often.

Repository Layout

  • src The implementation of the C++ sdk library
  • src/gen All the google and viam api autogen files
  • examples A list of examples

Getting Started

NOTE: Please see BUILDING.md for instructions on how to use CMake-based build system for this project.

Using Docker for Development

A Docker description is included which will install the required packages.

  1. Create a new docker image from one of the provided docker files. From the root directory of this project (where this README is located), run docker build -t cpp . -f etc/docker/Dockerfile.debian.bullseye (other files are provided for Ubuntu Focal and Ubuntu Jammy as well as Debian Sid). Run the new image in a container that has your local project directory mounted to the filesystem. This will ensure that you can continue to develop locally on your machine, and all files will be automatically synced into the docker environment. To create the environment and open a shell to it, run the command docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/usr/src/viam-cpp-sdk -w /usr/src/viam-cpp-sdk cpp /bin/bash
  2. Start developing! You can develop as you normally would, using the files on your local filesystem. When it comes time to testing/building/running the program, do so inside the docker environment you opened in the previous step.


Instructions for running examples follows. More robust instructions for setting up a project to come.

Echo Streaming Example

The echo example communicates with the goutils sample server. It demonstrates individual, streamed, and bidirectional communication. To test, navigate to your goutils clone and run

go run rpc/examples/echo/server/cmd/main.go

Then, run the example_echo program (it will be in the bin directory of your SDK installation)

ninja install && ./build/install/bin/example_echo

Dial Example

If you are connecting to a robot with authentication you will need to add credentials. Update path code :

void *ptr = init_rust_runtime();
char *path = dial("<your robot uri here>", "<your robot credentials here>", false, ptr);

Then to obtain a robot client do :

std::string address("unix://");
address += path;
RobotServiceClient client(grpc::CreateChannel(address, grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials()));

Now if we want to get the metadata of the robots we just have to do :

ResourceNamesRequest req;
ResourceNamesResponse resp;
ClientContext context;

Status status = stub_->ResourceNames(&context, req, &resp);
if (!status.ok()) {

for (auto i = 0; i < resp.resource_size(); i++) {
  std::cout << "Resource " << i << " " << resp.resources(i).type() << std::endl;

Then simply run

ninja install && ./build/install/bin/example_dial

If you want to connect to a robot without credentials then just simply pass a null pointer for the credentials.

Note also that this will attempt to connect over webRTC by default. To override and only use direct gRPC calls, you will need to use a .local address for your robot's uri, e.g. name.xxxx.local.viam.cloud:8080 instead of name.xxxx.viam.cloud.

A Note on Connectivity and webRTC Functionality

The rust webRTC implementation (which C++ relies on via rust's foreign function interface) is still new, and liable to have bugs. At a minimum, we expect that calls to ShellService::shell() have a high likelihood of strange behavior. If you encounter any issues with streaming requests over webRTC, direct dial (by disabling webrtc as above) should resolve them. And please file a bug report! We will endeavor to be as responsive as possible, and resolve issues as quickly as possible.


Copyright 2022 Viam Inc.

Apache 2.0 - See LICENSE file