
on aime bien les loutres et le l33t y en a un des 2 qui peux nager

Primary LanguageC

Bon, bha j'vais vous carry hein .. Btw : repartition des taches : JackLeSegFaulteur == faire la fonction de calcul une fois le tableau en polonais; Clement == split la string en tableau en fr; Cocobo == algo monde -> polonais; Elliot == j'me balade et j'aide au besoin, meme si je srs pas souvet a grand chose :DDDDDDDD les autres, branlette x) regarder de la doc sur l'algo et commencer a reflechir sr la facon de le faire en c. ici l'algo en pseudo code

// while there are tokens to be read: // read a token. // if the token is a number, then push it to the output queue. // if the token is an operator, then: // while there is an operator at the top of the operator stack with // greater than or equal to precedence and the operator is left associative: // pop operators from the operator stack, onto the output queue. // push the read operator onto the operator stack. // if the token is a left bracket (i.e. "("), then: // push it onto the operator stack. // if the token is a right bracket (i.e. ")"), then: // while the operator at the top of the operator stack is not a left bracket: // pop operators from the operator stack onto the output queue. // pop the left bracket from the stack. / /* if the stack runs out without finding a left bracket, then there are // mismatched parentheses. / // if there are no more tokens to read: // while there are still operator tokens on the stack: // / if the operator token on the top of the stack is a bracket, then // there are mismatched parentheses. */ // pop the operator onto the output queue. // exit.