
Sample code demonstrating how to build solutions that are extremely easy to extend.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Sample code demonstrating some ideas that help build solutions that are extremely easy to extend.

Extensible code

We call code "extensible" if features can be added without editing any existing code except, possibly, configuration code.

Adding types

To add a new type, simply implement the Processor and Validator interfaces and add those beans to the bean registries. The bean names should follow this convention:

<HTTP method lowercase><type value capitalized><'Processor' or 'Validator'>

You should not need to edit any existing code (other than configuration code).

Adding features to type1

To add a new feature to type1, simply implement the FeatureExecutor interface and register an instance of your class during the configuration of the Type1Processor.

Walkthroughs of problems and approach

Initial problem solved with factory method, etc.

Second problem solved with delegation event model, etc.