
PHP WebAssembly binaries. Original Project by Oraoto and Sean Morris.

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Project based on https://github.com/seanmorris/php-wasm which was forked from https://github.com/oraoto/pib

I fixed some inconsistencies in the Makefile and removed non-essential things. This fork:

  • does build sqlite3
  • does build libxml
  • has no javascript abstraction
  • does not build https://github.com/seanmorris/vrzno which allows javascript access from PHP (TODO add this back opt-in cause it's really cool)
  • does not add preloaded data, having this separatly from php-wasm builds allows for more flexibility (see preload data section)
  • exposes FS and builds with IDBFS
  • reduces memory to 256mb


Some build


docker pull soyuka/php-emscripten-builder

Builded files will be located in build/php-web.js and build/php-web.wasm.


To execute some php, call pib_exec using ccall, for example:

const phpBinary = require('build/php-web');

return phpBinary({
    onAbort: function(reason) {
      console.error('WASM aborted: ' + reason)
    print: function (...args) {
      console.log('stdout: ', args)
    printErr: function (...args) {
      console.log('stderr: ', args)
.then(({ccall, FS}) => {
  const phpVersion = ccall(
    , 'string'
    , ['string']
    , [`phpversion();`]

The builded PHP WASM version exposes these functions that will help you execute PHP: _pib_init, _pib_destroy, _pib_run, _pib_exec, _pib_refresh. The source code behind them is located under source/pib_eval.c and the exported function are declared in the final build command (see Makefile).

Thanks to @seanmorris you can also use persistent calls to keep things in memory by using:

let retVal = ccall(
  , NUM
  , [STR]
  , []

console.log('PHP initialized', retVal)

function runCode(phpCode) {
    , NUM
    , [STR]
    , [`?>${phpCode}`]

// Remove things kept in-memory
function refresh() {
    , NUM
    , []
    , []

More examples on the code usage are available on @seanmorris's repository or on APIPlatform By Examples.

Preload data

You can build preloaded assets (PRELOAD_ASSETS=/data) using make preload-data. Then you'll need to add the php-web.data.js to the actual php-web.js file.

This step on API Platform By Examples is done with the following Makefile using the original file as php-web.ori.js:

DOCKER_RUN=docker run --rm -e ENVIRONMENT=web -v $(CURDIR):/src -v $(CURDIR)/../${API_PLATFORM_DIR}:/src/${API_PLATFORM_DIR} -w /src soyuka/php-emscripten-builder:latest 

	${DOCKER_RUN} python3 /emsdk/upstream/emscripten/tools/file_packager.py ./public/php-web.data --preload "/src/${API_PLATFORM_DIR}" --js-output=./php-wasm/php-web.data.js
	${DOCKER_RUN} chown ${UID} ./php-wasm/php-web.data.js
	sed -e '/function(Module) {/r./php-wasm/php-web.data.js' php-wasm/php-web.ori.js > php-wasm/php-web.js


  • cache libxml and sqlite to speed up builds
  • add opt-in / opt-out sqlite libxml vrzno and mb more