
⛔️ [DEPRECATED] - MERN based social media web app made with the help of tailwindCSS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is not longer maintained we are moving it to nextjs, you can still login with your account though - [Next Insider](https://github.com/benjoquilario/next-insider)


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Introducing Insider

A Fullstack social media application built with React JS, Redux and tailwindCSS as a frontend and Node Js, Express and Mongo DB as a backend.


Try the App: Insider


This web app consists of a basic features/functionalities of a social media

  • Login and Register
  • Post CRUD functionalities
  • Comment CRUD Functionalities
  • Profile Customization
  • Followers/Following features
  • Seach Feature
  • Fully Responsive

Coming Features

  • Private Messaging features
  • User can only see following users posts.
  • Change name functionalities
  • Notification
  • Dark more
  • Setting page
  • Reply to comments
  • … and many more

🛠️ Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/benjoquilario/insider.git
  1. Change the working directory
cd insider
  1. Install dependencies
npm install or yarn install
  1. Create .env file in root and add your variables
  1. Run the server
npm run start or yarn start
  1. Run the client
npm run client or yarn client

You are all set! Open localhost:3000 to see the app.

Technologies used

  • ReactJs
  • Redux
  • TailwindCSS
  • NodeJs
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Json Web Token(JWT)
  • Vercel
  • Heroku


Your ideas, translations, design changes, code cleaning, real heavy code changes, or any help are always welcome. The more is the contribution, the better it gets.

Pull requests will be reviewed


Benjo Quilario

Insider needs a ⭐️ from you