ChocAn Data Center

Branch Status
Master Build Status
RC1 Build Status

An implementation of a data center to track users, members, providers, etc for a chocolate addiction rehab service.


  • Add userdocs

Creating Test Data

  1. Create a MySQL data source or connect to a MySQL server (See Setup MySQL Data Source in Intellij)
  2. Run the following files against the server in main/resources/sql to set up the tables and views:
    • tables.sql
    • functions.sql
    • views/members.sql
    • views/providers.sql
  3. Run the following files against this server in test/resources/mock-data to generate mock data:
    • create_member.sql
    • create_provider.sql
    • service_info.sql
    • perform_services.sql
  4. Run CALL perform_rand_services(); to populate the server with performed services.