
Functions to toggle the [Location List] and the [Quickfix List] windows.

Primary LanguageVimL


A simple plugin for vim that allows you to bind a key to toggle the Location List and the Quickfix List. This plugin is currently in early development and there aren't many things besides a few options I imagine adding. Feel free to submit patches.


Basic Brute-Force Install

Copy togglelist.vim to your ~/.vim/plugin directory.


Checkout the github repository to the Pathogen directory.

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/milkypostman/vim-togglelist.git


The default mappings are:

nmap <script> <silent> <leader>l :call ToggleLocationList()<CR>
nmap <script> <silent> <leader>q :call ToggleQuickfixList()<CR>

You can prevent these mappings by setting g:toggle_list_no_mappings in your .vimrc and then remap them if you want--both ToggleLocationList and ToggleQuickfixList are global functions. I imagine the names of the functions are self-explanatory.

After opening or closing either list, the previous window is restored so you can still use <C-w>p.


You can specify which command you want to use to open a quickfix list(in case you are using some plugin) like:

let g:toggle_list_copen_command="Copen"

By default vim-togglelist will keep restore focus to the window you were editing before the quicklist window was opened. If you would like to have the focus on the Location List (or the QuickFix List) you can set

let g:toggle_list_restore=0