
IOOS Catalog as a CKAN extension

Primary LanguagePython


Docker image for IOOS Catalog comprising CKAN+PyCSW+Harvesting


This setup presumes that docker is successfully installed on the host and any virtual machines or hosts are running.

  1. Get the solr image

    docker pull lukecampbell/docker-ckan-solr
  2. Launch solr

    docker run --name "solr" -d lukecampbell/docker-ckan-solr
  3. Get the postgis image if you want to run PostGIS in a container.

    Note: It's generally advised to run the database on a dedicated host for production settings

    docker pull lukecampbell/docker-ckan-postgis
  4. Launch PostGIS

    docker run --name "postgis" -p 5432:5432 -d -t -e "POSTGRES_USER=ckanadmin" -e "POSTGRES_PASS=ckanadmin" -e "POSTGRES_DB=ckan" lukecampbell/docker-postgis
  5. Get the redis image

    docker pull redis
  6. Launch redis

    docker run --name redis -d redis
  7. Pull the IOOS CKAN image

    docker pull lukecampbell/docker-ioos-catalog
  8. Launch the CKAN container

    docker run --name "ioos-catalog" \
      -e "DATABASE_URL=postgresql://ckan:ckanpass@" \
      --link solr:solr \
      --link redis:redis \
      --link postgis:db \
      -p 80:80 \
      -d -t \


Once the containers are launched you should be able to access the CKAN instance by visiting port 80