
CLI script for backing up platform.sh databases to S3

Primary LanguagePHP

Automated backup script that pulls the database, compresses, and syncs to an S3 bucket. Designed for Platform.sh


You can either clone this repo and use as its own project or you can require it as a dependency into your existing project.

composer require benjy/platform-backup


  • composer install
  • Create IAM user with write access to a S3 bucket.
  • Add backups directory to .platform.app.yaml
    "/backups": "shared:files/backups"
  • Add environmental variables in Platform.sh. Be sure to add the "env:" prefix.

    • env:S3_BUCKET (The name of the bucket you created)
    • env:LOGGLY_TOKEN (Get from loggly > source setup > tokens)
    • env:AWS_REGION (Optional, defaults to us-east-1)
    • env:PUBLIC_FILES_DIRECTORY (optional: If added use, full path [e.g. /app/app/sites/default/files])
    • env:PRIVATE_FILES_DIRECTORY (optional: If added use, full path [e.g. /app/private])
  • Add composer install to .platform.app.yaml

    build: |
        composer install --working-dir=./jobs
  • Deploy and test using: php ./jobs/db_backup.php
  • Add cron task to .platform.app.yml
    spec: "0 0 * * *"
    cmd: "php ./jobs/db_backup.php"

Note, you might have to update the cmd to point to a different location depending on how you installed.


Adapted from https://bitbucket.org/snippets/kaypro4/gnB4E