
Interns Australia survey system - released as open source for other organisations to use

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

IA Survey System



Installing the project:

git clone https://benkaiser@bitbucket.org/benkaiser/iasurvey.git # clone the repo
cd iasurvey # move into the repository directory
npm install # install the dependencies of the project


To run the server:

PORT=XXXX node app.js

where XXXX is the port number you wish to run the application on (defaults to 2000)

Unit Testing

To run the tests you will first need to install mocha with:

npm install -g mocha

Installing modules globally usually requires superuser permissions. In this case run:

sudo npm install -g mocha

Then to run the tests (located in the test/ directory)


Integration Testing

To run the integration tests on windows 7 x64, you need to download and install

phantomjs 1.9.7
casperjs 1.1.0-beta3
python 2.7.8

And import the data from json file when it is needed.

(1) To run the test for account management function, direct to test/client_side_test and run:

casperjs test manage_account.js

If you cancel the test during the program is running, please delete the account created by the test program, so that the test program can work again

(2) To run the test for filling out a survey, direct to data/surveys and enter to import the data first:

mongoimport -d iasurvey -c survey every_question_type.json

Then direct to test/client_side_test and run:

casperjs test filling_out_a_survey.js

(3) To run the test for viewing the result of surveys, you need to drop the data you have now and import one from a json file Open Mongodb and enter:

use iasurvey

Then, run the command in data/result to import the result data:

mongoimport -d iasurvey -c survey tresult.json

At last, locate in test/client_side_test, enter:

casperjs test view_result.js

Documentation for libraries used


  • express for web framework
  • mongojs for database connectivity
  • connect-mongo for storing express sessions in mongodb (keeping session data between server restarts)
  • node-schedule for scheduling email blasts
  • nodemailer for sending emails
  • password-hash for encrypting passwords
  • socket.io for easy websocket connections (making for a fast and easy to develop client-side app)
  • swig templating engine for node and javascript (server-side and client-side)
  • supertest for testing calls to webpages


  • formbuilder for the IA staff to construct surveys (Ben's fork)
  • backbone.js for client-side MVC
  • marionette for extra functionality on top of backbone.js
  • jquery fast, small, and feature-rich javascript library that makes DOM-traversal easy
  • Bootstrap as a good-looking CSS framework
  • head.js load css and js asynchronously, speeding up page-load
  • sift.js for querying the results array
  • html5csv for generating and triggering the csv download from the results page
  • phantomjs for integration testing environment
  • casperjs for runing the integration testing programs

All other frameworks used are either part of the above, dependencies of the above or perform a function to trivial to mention.

Other info