
Parses a codebase and suppresses all specific typescript errors per file. Useful after changing global linting settings.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Parses a codebase and suppresses all specific typescript errors on a per-file basis. Useful after changing global linting or tsconfig settings. Now you don't have to put in a massive, risky Big Bang PR to fix every last one. Instead, you can run this script and upgrade each file at your leisure.


tsc --noEmit path/to/index.ts | node parser.js

This passes in the list of errors to the parser.js script. That then prepends a suppression comment to the top of each file. At the time of writing, TS doesn't support suppressing specific messages on a per file basis (!), so the comments just suppresses everything. It does list the particular TS errors on the comment line, just to be specific.