
Github Repository for INFO 550 Final project

Primary LanguageR

Repo Introduction

Eric Viera 2022-11-21

Project Description:

For this Info 550 project I decided to look into some of the statistics surrounding income and housing inequality in Boston Massachusetts. I grew up in the area and some of these issues can be quite prominent depending on where in the city you travel. For this project I want to look compare metrics such as ownership vs renting rates across community, average income within a community, average bedroom count per unit, etc. across racial groups and income levels in order to better understand how inequalities are emphasized through modern housing practices. Dockerhub image link: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/edviera16/house_proj

Git Repository Contents:

Home Folder:

  1. .gitignore : a gitignore file is included to ensure that all of the outputs from my local repository will not be available for download on my gitHub repository. Specifically all .rds and .png files in the output folder, all html and pdf files in the home folder, and some random local files that don’t serve any purpose to the project

  2. Makefile: This folder also includes a Make file which allows users to write make in the command line in order to render our Housing Data Report. Files used to make up this report are included within their own statements in the make file allowing for all the dependent files to be created when we actually ‘make’ our Make file. Running 'make install' will load in our renv and allow you to access all required packages.

  3. Housing_Data_Pt.1.Rmd: This is the actual report that we are rendering using our render report code and our Make file to compile

  4. README.Rmd: You are currently reading this description of my repo. Thank you for taking the time to do so ;)

  5. DOCKERFILE: This file is necessary for building our docker image which is an essential component to making sure that this report is an automatic and easily reproduced work flow. The contents of this file are used to create a docker image that has the capability to run my final project by just running the "make final_report/report.html" command in the terminal. In order to get to this point this dockerfile will be created in a container using the "docker build -t edviera16/house_proj" command in your terminal. *Note that in order to run this entire process automatically you only need to run the command "make final_report/report.html" and the entire report should compile within a folder on your local computer called "final_report". This process will run on both Mac and Windows operating systems

Code folder

  1. Clean data: This is just code that tidies up our raw data file so that we can better understand what each variable actually represents and saves the new data as a RDS object in the output folder

  2. Make table 1: This code is used to make our first table and save that table as a RDS object in the output folder so that it can be loaded into our report once it is rendered.

  3. Make figure 1: This code is used to make a basic scatterplot of our data and save that figure as a PNG image in the output folder so that it can be loaded into our report once it is rendered.

  4. Render report: This code will actually render our Housing_Data_Pt.1.Rmd file when ran. This along with all other objects created from our code are referenced in our Make file and will all collaboratively compile our report when typing ‘make’ in the command line, but you can run just this code to ensure that the report compiles as well!

Output folder

This is where your table, figure, and clean data should be saved, but it will be empty upon viewing my repo in Github.