1.include a README.md file that describes the contents of your repository There are

  • code
    • table.R
    • render.R
    • plot.R
  • README.md
  • Makefile
  • output
    • table1.rds
    • plot1.png
  • final.Rmd
  • world_population.csv
  1. the README should make clear how to generate the final report and a brief description of the contents of the report
    The table.R make table1 and plot.R make plot1, render.R render final.Rmd file. Makefile can generate report_final.html using table.R, plot.R render.R final.Rmd.

3.type "make pull_image" into the terminal to pull the image from Dockerhub.

  1. Then type "make final_report" to build the report.

  2. docker hub link: https://hub.docker.com/layers/zhanxu/final_report/latest/images/sha256:3e5609a2686e3d521653f2b1c99483d77ccdd3e44edda793c5cffbc342ff7959